© 2024 Make Love Not Porn LLC & MLNP Ltd

What is MakeLoveNotPorn Academy?


MakeLoveNotPorn Academy
is searchable by age-appropriateness

MakeLoveNotPorn Academy will be global.

Find culturally appropriate, sensitive sex education, by your community, for your community.

Help us build a sex education platform to shape the future.

An aggregator hub for the best of the world's sex education content all in one place, searchable by age appropriateness, cultural sensibility, and personal comfort level.

The Academy's goal is to be a platform and directory for all the brilliant sex educators currently blocked, censored and de-platformed everywhere, to make their work more accessible to parents, teachers, children, young people, everyone.

The Academy will be 100% human-curated: human eyes will vet every piece of content pre-publishing to ensure it's safe, educational, non-judgemental and fact-based.

Read 'How Cindy Gallop Makes Me a Better Mother'

‘My kids need MLNP Academy because there will always be more curiosity and questions - long after they want to hear it from me. They need a reliable source, because bad information and pressure will always be loud by default. 

I need MLNP Academy because I am committed to raising secure humans who know how to value agency, consent, and pleasure.’ 

- Karen Hsu

Who is behind MakeLoveNotPorn Academy?

Cindy Gallop, Founder & CEO of MakeLoveNotPorn, came up with this idea in response to the thousands of parents and teachers who've been requesting it since MakeLoveNotPorn launched in 2009.

Jameela Jamil has partnered and led investment in MakeLoveNotPorn's WeFunder equity crowdfunding campaign to fund the Academy.

When will MakeLoveNotPorn Academy launch?

We are currently designing and building a Minimum Viable Product and hope to launch in a few months' time.

How can I support?

Invest in MakeLoveNotPorn Academy (minimum investment is $100)

Invest on WeFunder

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